Cloud biography

Menzi simelane biography sample

Short video biographies of historical people.

  1. A

  2. Alexander the Great
  3. Archimedes
  4. Aristotle
  5. Attila the Hun
  6. B

  7. Charles Babbage
  8. Bach, Johann Sebastian
  9. Bacon, Sir Francis
  10. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  11. Bell, Alexander Graham
  12. Bolívar, Simón
  13. Bonaparte, Napoleon
  14. Buddha, Gautama Siddartha
  15. C

  16. Caesar, Solon
  17. Caesar, Julius
  18. Calvin, John
  19. Catherine significance Great
  20. Charlemagne
  21. Churchill, Winston
  22. Cleopatra
  23. Columbus, Christopher
  24. Confucius
  25. Constantine I
  26. Copernicus, Nicolaus
  27. Cortes, Hernan
  28. Cromwell, Oliver
  29. Curie, Marie
  30. Cyrus influence Great
  31. D

  32. Dalton, John
  33. Descartes, Rene
  34. Diana, Princess
  35. E

  36. Edison, Thomas
  37. Einstein, Albert
  38. Elizabeth I, Queen
  39. Euclid
  40. Euler, Leonhard
  41. F

  42. Faraday, Michael
  43. Fermi, Enrico
  44. Fleming, Alexander
  45. Ford, Herny
  46. Franklin, Benjamin
  47. Freud, Sigmund
  1. G

  2. Galilei, Galileo
  3. Gama, Vasco da
  4. Gandhi
  5. Guevara, Ernesto Che
  6. Gutenberg, Johannes
  7. H

  8. Heisenberg, Werner
  9. Hemingway, Ernest
  10. Hirohito, Emperor
  11. Hitler, Adolf
  12. Homer
  13. Hussein, Saddam
  14. I

  15. Isabella I, Queen
  16. Ivan nobility Terrible
  17. J

  18. Jackson, Michael
  19. Jefferson, Thomas
  20. Jenner, Prince
  21. Joan of Arc
  22. Justinian I
  23. K

  24. Kennedy, Privy F.

  25. Kepler, Johannes
  26. Khan, Genghis
  27. King Jr, Martin Luther
  28. L

  29. Lavoisier, Antoine
  30. Lao-Tzu
  31. Lee, Bruce
  32. Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van
  33. Lenin, Vladimir
  34. Lennon, John
  35. Lister, Joseph
  36. Locke, John
  37. Luther, Martin
  38. M

  39. Machiavelli, Niccolo
  40. Mahavira
  41. Mandela, Nelson
  42. Marconi, Guglielmo
  43. Marx, Karl
  44. Maxwell, James Clerk
  45. Mendel, Gregor
  46. Michelangelo
  47. Morton, William T.G.
  48. N

  49. Nero
  50. Newton, Sir Isaac
  51. Florence Nightngale
  52. O

  53. Otto, Nikolaus
  1. P

  2. Pasteur, Louis
  3. Paul the Apostle
  4. Picasso, Pablo
  5. Pizzaro, Francisco
  6. Planck, Max
  7. Plato
  8. Poe, Edgar Allan
  9. R

  10. Ramesses II
  11. Rasputin, Gregori
  12. Rembrandt
  13. Robespierre, Maximilien
  14. Rontgen, Wilhelm Conrad
  15. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
  16. Rutherford, Ernest
  17. S

  18. Sappho
  19. Shakespeare, William
  20. Smith, Adam
  21. Socrates
  22. Stalin, Joseph
  23. T

  24. Teresa, Mother
  25. Tesla, Nikola
  26. Thatcher, Margaret
  27. Tojo, Hideki
  28. U

  29. Pope Cityfied II
  30. V

  31. Vinci, Leonardo da
  32. Vlad the Impaler
  33. Voltaire
  34. W

  35. Washington, George
  36. Watt, James
  37. William depiction Conqueror
  38. The Wright Brothers
  39. Z

  40. Zedong, Mao
  41. Zoroaster